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Testimony 1



​Alright this is how I think it would have helped me out to have you guys first of all ima tell you my story. I moved out of my parents’ house about week before I turned 18. Cause of stuff I don’t want to talk about and I went to stay with my girlfriend I stayed there for about 4 months maybe 5. Then I moved to Ohio with my sister I was very depressed because I left my friends and most of all I left the love of my life. Then about 3 weeks of being up there with my sister I got a job and started working making pretty good money and then I tried to go back to school in Ohio and I found out I couldn’t go to school they wanted let me go. So then I I dropped out of school and worked for about worked for about 6 months got a car then I realize I need to go back to school so I moved back to Harlan Kentucky to my girlfriends and went back to school then one night me and her mom started to get into it and I had to move again and then I went to stay with my buddy and that’s how I became homeless cause I couldn’t go back to my dad’s cause the same stuff would happen to me that happen before so I started going back fourth from friends house sleeping in my car most nights for about 2 or 3 months then I got Gina Stewart to help me get an apartment and Mr. pace helped me out and got me clothes and soap and stuff like that but Gina got me a apartment after a while and I got to move in and I’ve been doing ok so far just my next goal is to get a job. The CHHAR program would have helped me out I wouldn’t have had to go from home to home and sleeping in my car for 2 or 3 months I would have had a bed to sleep on instead of the backseat of my car or the floor of my buddy’s house and am grateful your helping people now.



More testimonies to come in the future.



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